Classroom Photos

Beach Bound Birthdays:

We sing our Birthday cadence through the halls all day, decorate their seat with a Birthday chair cover and hang a Birthday star above their head for the day. They take home a Birthday Blessing Bag full of candy, treats, prizes and every kid makes a card for them. At the end of the day, we go outside and say a special Birthday prayer over them, sing the Happy Birthday song, enjoy a treat while we go around the table saying what we love about our Birthday Buddy. See photos below :

Red Ribbon Week Videos

Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners- Kadinh and Emma

Vintage Day Dress up Winners - Madison

Vintage Day Dress up- Staff

Fun in class learning about Johnny Appleseed and doing Apple Observations. We did Apple Observations Thematic unit(cross curriculum)- Read biography passage about Johnny Appleseed with comprehension questions, we put his life on Timeline, used regrouping subtraction to determine what year he died in, compared fiction(make believe)v. non-fiction(real life), discussed geography(countries v. states v. cities), discussed physical characteristics/character traits of Johnny Appleseed and how he was Christ-like. Discussed vocabulary terms like legend. Used our study of adjectives to describe 4 different kinds of apples making observations using our 5 senses(sight, smell, taste, sound, touch) and recorded info on graphic organizer. We rated apples from 1-4 and will tally our data using google sheets to create bar graphs and pictographs in math. We also discussed the life cycle of an apple tree and parts of a plant(root, seeds, stem, leaf, flower, fruit). We compared the three parts of an apple to the three parts of God- God the Father(apple seeds/core); God the Son-Jesus(fleshy part of the apple); God the Holy Spirit(skin part of apple). We enjoyed apple sauce for morning snack, ate apple slices for observations, had apple juice for lunch(making predictions about which apple was used to make the juice), and lastly enjoyed caramel apple lollipops as reward for our paragraph writing about Apple Observations and summary of what we learned about Johnny Appleseed. We also discussed science experiment to keep apples from turning brown- add lemon juice to it. In addition to learning about the parts of a plant, we also learned about Magnets, Force, Motion, Friction, and Gravity in Science.

Lunch With Parents (Covid Style)

Police Appreciation Chapel- Celebrating our Heros by wearing Super Hero costumes

Doing Art and Bible- Moses crosses the red sea

Harvest Spookley Snack Celebration with Edible Plant Parts and the Pumpkin Carving Prayer

Red Ribbon Week Fun - Kicking off with Pep Rally wearing Red, White, Blue for Vote No to Drugs

Field Trip Fun - Lewis Playhouse Theater- October 17th

Spending time with Grandparents- Grandparent's Day October 19th

Lunch with Parents

Friday Fun Day with Miss Josie who came to visit with us!!! We did Art Projects Together!!!

From Fruit of the Spirit Stick Craft to Moses Parting the Red Sea to finishing our Sunset Sailboats!!! Second Grade is full of fun and suprises!!!

Celebrating a visit from Miss Josie!!!

Rounding Rap in Math and our Rapping Lunch Together

Fun learning about Johnny Appleseed and exploring Adjectives with Apples!!

Walk a Path Fundraiser!!!

Police Officer Appreciation Day!!!

We had a chance to ask questions and explore all the different police vehicles. We even got to go inside one!!!

Super Readers visiting Kindergarten to read them stories. We pick 6 students each week to go in pairs to each of the 3 Kindergarten classes to read a book to their Kinder buddies. One child reads the book and the other helps with holding props or acting out the story.

Our class dramatization of our weekly Bible Story: Moses and the Ten Plagues

Click on the following link to view the videos:

Bible video that class made: Moses and the 10 plagues

See Students putting our Bible story in sequence order with sentence strips. They work with partners and in cooperative groups. Having fun learning!!!

Learning is fun- working together in cooperative table groups using sentence strips to put our Bible story in sequence order. We also study our spelling words using the Kagan quiz-quiz-trade strategy. Students engage in multisensory learning with full body movement and problem solve with their peers by talking through what they have learned.

Students work hard and earn Dojo points that they can redeem for Orange privilege cards. Eventually, they can even move their clips further up to the Purple Treasure Box on our Class Room Reward system and get a prize from the large treasure box in our class. Orange Privilege cards include things like lunch with the teacher and an ice cream desert. Others have been able to bring a stuffed animal to class. Some can sit in the teacher's chair. Students are having fun moving around the room and being engaged in cooperative learning. We use the Kagan quiz-quiz-trade strategy for reviewing our spelling words. Some are engaged in pair reading in one of our cozy corners. We have several cozy corners including our Book Boat. Some use a read to self phone in our Daily 5 lessons(read to self). These tools are perfect for promoting phonemic awareness and improving a student’s focus and attention because they are listening to their own voices and self-monitoring. Another is using a reader strip with a tinted transparent "window" that helps pop print into view. These strips also help block distractions surrounding targeted words, so eyes are easily guided to the desired print. We use these tools to help strengthen our visual tracking skills. Sometimes students use reading fingers to help with word tracking as we read along in class. In the past we've had groups of Super Readers who have written their own stories and books visit Preschool and Kinder classes and read their stories and books.

Students look for ways to show love to one another since this Month in Chapel we are learning about the Fruit of the Spirit and the first characteristic of this Fruit is Love. Brayden helps Jimmy put a box of books back into our Classroom Library.

Second Week of 2nd Grade

We will be exploring Forces and Motion in Science and doing some hands on exploration with magnets as well as using matchbox cars to experiment with the concept of Friction on different surface ramps. We will learning more about each other and how to function as a classroom family. For Week 1, we read the classroom story, "Ant and the Three Little Figs" and enjoyed learning about figs and having Fig Newton Cookies. This week we will read "Come Back Jack" and enjoy a fairy tale story with a giant. Instead of eating a Christmas pie in the corner, we can eat individually packaged mini pies.

First Day of 2nd Grade - Meet our Crew!!!!

We will begin the day getting to know each other and reading "First Day Jitters". We will be chasing our own 1st day jitters away with Jitter Juice and Jitter Jello (see Blessing Bag for these items and handouts). We will celebrate with a Bon Voyage to Summer Luau Party throwing around a sterilized "Getting to know you" Beach Ball, and sporting our Leis. Each student received a Blessing Bag that had a bag full of goldfish because they are "O-Fish-ally" 2nd graders now!!!! They also received a "Ships" Ahoy bag of cookies with other treats we will be exploring in class. Parents will join us for Back to School Night virtually via our Google Meet Link!! Thank you parents for stopping in to find out about your child's New Adventure as they Set Sail for 2nd Grade.

Pictures from 2017-2018 Below

We observed the Butterfly Life Cycle and discussed how it symbolizes the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Easter Classroom ExperienceWe walked through the Passion Week reflecting on how we now have a New Life in Christ!!!!

Christmas Program

Class Birthday Celebrations