Cafe for a Cause

C.A.F.E For a Cause

2021-2022 Cafe Dates Below:

Bring a donation and receive a yummy breakfast blessing bag filled with morning treats and drinks

7-7:45am - Drive through back School Parking Lot

Invite a friend or family member- Everyone is welcome to join us- Be Fishers of Men!!!

September 3rd : Back to School Bible Beach Bash sponsored by 1st grade- We raised over $1,120!!!

Thank you to everyone who helped by donating food, volunteering your time and making cash contributions

Future Cafe Dates Below:

October 29th: Celebrating the Lord's Harvest Cafe-sponsored by 2nd grade

December 10th: Happy Birthday Jesus Cafe-sponsored by Middle School

February 25th: Celebrating God's Agape Love Cafe- sponsored by ??

May 13th: Walk in the Light and Walk in Love Luau Cafe- sponsored ???

Check out a video Ad by clicking the links below or the Powerpoint below highlighting our Outreach Causes

Cafe Ad #1

Cafe Ad #2

Outreach Chapel Powerpoint- pictures of Cafe and Causes we support

Thank you for being fruit bearers - “This is to my Father's Glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:8

Please know that all your hard work and effort supports our Core Values of Equipping, Caring and building Relationships. Students are encouraged to view reading as a positive, social experience that they can enjoy and share with others. The Café provides an opportunity for Christian fellowship as parents and students gather around tables to read, pray, talk and share breakfast together. It helps us to care for others through Ministry Outreach as we accept donations to help AGUA DE VIDA ORPHANAGE and HOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL IN NORTH UGANDA. It also gives all of our students (Preschool through Middle School) the on-going opportunity throughout the entire year to put their faith into action by putting the needs of others first through serving and giving.

Mark 10:16 "May God take us in his arms and begin blessing us, laying His hands on us. So we may in turn lay our hands on others and bless them."

John 15:13 "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"

Pictures of our Cafe's Below:

Students receive Free Kids Meal certificates when they pass AR quizzes with 100% accuracy.

We raised a yearly total of $3,603.96 in the 2016-2017 School Year to help those in South Sudan who had been displaced from their homes.

Our Circus Themed Cafe

Reading is Fun!!!

Christmas Cafe!!!

Speading Christmas cheer!!!

AR Test Taking at Cafe for a Cause

Sharing the Love of Reading and Water of Life Fellowship at Cafe for a Cause

Cultivating Christ-like Community at Cafe for a Cause

Students and Parents have a morning of Fellowship and raise money to support others around the world with Donations for Breakfast at Cafe for a Cause

We love reading with our Parents and our Friends!!!

Ambassadors for Christ- serving at Cafe for a Cause so we can be the hands and feet of Christ!!!

AR Testing at Cafe for a Cause- Reading is lots of fun and can be a social event for all!!!

The beginnings of Cafe for Cause started with morning readers who wanted to come in early and take AR tests, have a little morning treat together and offer a donation to support a worthy cause!!! Thank you to all of you who have been coming since the beginning. God continues to bless us abundantly as we bless others!!!

Cassaro's Classroom Cafe has grown beyond our classroom to include the entire school. It is now located in the Cafeteria- Students come in from 7am-8am with a book to read and are served hot chocolate and/or juice and snacks. Please be sure to walk your child directly to the Cafeteria for drop off. Do not drop them off in the school lobby. The purpose is to encourage students to view reading as a positive, social experience that they enjoy and can share with others. We also encourage parents to come in and read with their students for positive role modeling. The Cafe is also an opportunity for Christian Fellowship and Ministry Outreach. Now we have 5 Cafe's a year with food donations sponsored by different grade levels and the cash donations collected for the breakfast treats are used to support AGUA DE VIDA ORPHANAGE and HOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL IN NORTH UGANDA.